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  • Would u want nmixx Lily rare n Bae rare for ur stayc sumin holiday and/or weeekly zoa holiday cards? Howabout Treasure yoshi & junkyu(or whoever are in the) vals duo n treasure hyunsuk Halloween for nct 127 doyoung holiday n winwin holiday if ur not keeping 'em.

    Feel free to say no to any trade if u find it not favorable to u or disagree.lemme know wat is ok to trade for these 4 as they're yrs as I want u to hv em.

    Happy new year (again, if I previously wished u nadia) wren/nadia/winter[Hey I'm wishing wren this time, not nadia if I previously did so, LOL]
    Ah ok, understood. So would u trade yr nct 127 holiday cards for which cards if any?

    I hv 7 pristin children's day cards u dont hv, if ur interested?(only missing pristin xiyeon children's day card, doesnt seem to belong to any active user willing to trade rn, u might get one in the next CD event if any-or from rand/calb if they reach completion of limiteds by 2025/2026 LOL, i might by 2026/2027 depending LOL)

    Lemme know after u hv had a good think of which cards u wish to keep/collect/trade away.
    I’d like to keep the NCT ones for now tbh
    So, wat would u trade for pristin children's day if any? Or r all gg limiteds out for now? No worries if so.watever u dont want to keep if any, tat im interested in would be optimal.
    Merry christmas, nadia/winter!

    would u take le sserafim garam rare for zelo 3&5 commons?(I put em in roulette n got bk 1,2,4 so I can't reroll a rare to get em bk, unless I waste 1 common-FYI I completed ALL Korean commons now so I only need zelo 3,5 to re-complete ALL Korean commons. I also hv some nmixx rares if u prefer.

    Hv a good time at Christmas n happy rest of winter, winter/Nadia.
    I fell asleep just before midnight in my timezone. I did sleep for about 5hrs. I am waiting for my family to wake up (well just my parents, my brother hasn’t spoken to me in 21 days and is in another province)
    Oh quiet time at 5am before sunrise/everyone in the hse wakes. I dint use to be awake early enuf when I was younger, but last few yrs(even before 2020) I woke up ard 4/5/6am waaay before everyone else was awake. But I usually fell bk to sleep an hrs or so late n got up at 10/11am unless I was going out for blast. I'm getting old, like my grandma when I was a kid. I always slept until 4/5am when I was away younger n my grandma used to wake ard then too. We stayed in a 2 storey hse n she couldn't climb stairs so I crept downstairs, n I don't rmbr much except I noticed she was awake n doing morning ablutions. I'd go bk upstairs n stare at the ceiling until I fell bk asleep ard an hr later n sleep till 8/9/10am or 7am if I had school. Hvnt thought of it in a ling time. Ah memories. OK, go do whatever u do on Christmas morning before others are awake, nadia/winter.
    I think my body is just used to the early mornings, my brother used tk wake us all up at 5am to open presents when he used to live with us :haylul:

    We do nothing until everyone is awake so I’m either here or scrolling on other apps till people wake up. Parents are still both asleep. So is my girlfriend and I’m supposed to call her later today to open gifts.

    It is good to go down memory lane tho :ankha:
    Hi, I see that you have the Jiwoo holiday I pulled, but could you hold your Jungwon holiday for me a little? This is the last card I need to complete the Enhypen set, but I know you are not interested in my IU or Kep1er Bahiyyih holidays. I will try to get something you want. :sanapray:
    I get it. I just completed Enhypen thanks to you! :excitedcat: Hope you can get the missing cards, too!:sanapray:
    Thank you! I just need Sullyoon and Jinni so if you see a spare on floating around lemme know :ankha:
    Okie. :sanapray:
    Nadia sorry to ask you but is Jennie holiday up for trade?
    Can you put it on hold for me? I'll look for you!!
    Yes as you were the first person to ask for it. Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, I tried but the wifi at work was being a royal pain and not sending what I typed and then I just forgot when I got home
    That's okay no problem!!
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